Recently, i'm deciding to go Australia to study next achieve this target, i'm not getting extra money from home.....i'm trying to work and save to reach this target!!!!but event+event+event+work+work+work+hanging around+hanging around+hanging around+exam+exam+exam+assignment+assignment+assignment makes me gonna die soon.......not kidding.....i'm feeling that i'm dying soon.......but apparently, i'm having fun to the maximum!!!!busy days although is quite tiring, but it makes me able to forget something i should forget long time ago + i feel like more alive compare to sitting in front the comp and do nothing with facebook.........the end result, i'm having high fever last 2 days.......wake up middle of the night with whole body sweating and shaking while a bit of wind blow towards me......but now feeling better d......and now......everything is coming back!!!!gathering+assignment+exam!!!!!but soon i will have my vacation!!!!!aza aza fighting!!!!!XD